Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common condition where ejaculation occurs sooner than desired during sexual intercourse. On this page, we will discuss what premature ejaculation is, how this medication works, the potential adverse reactions, and how to obtain it online in the UK.
Know by the popular brand name Priligy, it contains the active ingredient found in dapoxetine tablets. It is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), meaning that it functions by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain. This delays the response in the neural regions responsible for ejaculation. As a result, it takes longer for the user to achieve orgasm. This drug is available in a hard capsule, which can be swallowed with a glass of water.
Dapoxetine side effects can include headache, nausea, dizziness, fainting, and diarrhoea. Overall, this medication is well tolerated by users, and any adverse reactions that occur are usually harmless and temporary. To learn more about how serious PE is, keep reading.
Premature Ejaculation In the UK
Now that we have discussed dapoxetine side effects, we will learn what is PE is and how prevalent it is in the UK. Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual disorder that affects many men in the UK. While occasional premature ejaculation is not uncommon, persistent PE can significantly impact a man’s confidence and intimate relationship.
According to the British Association of Urological Surgeons, this condition can be caused by prostate issues or anxiety. They recommend that if over half of your sexual encounters result in premature ejaculation, then you could benefit from getting treatment. The first step in addressing this issue would be to visit your doctor to discuss your options.
Dapoxetine Tablets Usage Instructions
Read the patient information sheet from the package before beginning the treatment in order to get a better understanding of how the drug should be taken. In addition to providing you with a comprehensive list of potential dapoxetine side effects, it will give you other useful information.
Swallow a capsule with a full glass of water. It should be taken one to three hours prior to planned sexual intercourse. If the 30mg dosage is not enough effective, then your doctor may decide to increase the dose to 60mg.
You should only take it before you anticipate having sex. Do not take more than one pill in a 24 hour period. It may be unsafe to consume this medication together with alcohol. You can take it either with or without food. Although dapoxetine side effects are mild, It is not intended for regular daily use. The pill should not be chewed or crushed before use.
Safety Precautions and Contraindications
Men with certain medical conditions, such as severe heart problems or uncontrolled high blood pressure, should consult their doctor before taking this medication. Users should follow the instructions given to them by their physician, and not deviate from them in order to avoid dapoxetine side effects.
Patients should also be on the lookout for any strange behaviour that may occur as a result of dapoxetine tablets. It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and individual experiences may vary.
Benefits of Premature Ejaculation Treatments
Dapoxetine side effects are mild and not too concerning. If you are concerned about PE, it is important to talk to your doctor. They can help you understand the underlying causes, discuss treatment options, and provide a guide. You can also seek guidance from therapists or sexual health clinics specializing in sexual dysfunction. These medical professionals can compose a detailed treatment plan for you to follow. With just a few healthy lifestyle choices you can mitigate potential adverse reactions.
Remember, PE is a treatable condition, and seeking professional help can significantly improve your sexual health and well-being. Treatments for premature ejaculation can significantly improve a man’s sexual experience. These therapies can improve both partners’ sexual satisfaction by delaying ejaculation, as well as decrease the tension and anxiety associated with having sex. It can also increase intimacy and self-assurance between the couple.
Order Dapoxetine Tablets in the UK
Our online pharmacy provides all of our customers with a completely confidential and secure service, regardless of the size of the request. To safeguard your privacy, we provide state of the art encryption services which prevent any third party from accessing your information. Thanks to our fast delivery service, your prescription-free medications will arrive in just two to four days.
Our website allows patients to order their medication without even leaving the house, and our customer service department can be contacted at any time via email or phone. Each product on our website has its own product page, where users can learn about important information such as dapoxetine tablets side effects.
Premature ejaculation is a common condition that many men in the UK struggle with. It can lead to an unsatisfying sex life, and cause frustration among couples. Luckily, this disorder can be easily managed with medication. Our online pharmacy offers solutions for sexual disorders ranging from erectile dysfunction to female sexual dysfunction.
Our online platform is easy to use, and you can place an order in just a few minutes. When using medication, follow the directions given by your physician or pharmacist, and monitor for dapoxetine side effects.
Author Profile
Urology Specialist, Dr. John Hatman is an osteopathic physician with board certification who has over 14 years of experience treating a range of urological conditions. He is renowned for his excellent patient care and proficiency in treating various male urological conditions. In order to give his patients’ the finest care possible, he is committed to working at the forefront of natural medicine.
After graduating from Yale University with a bachelor’s degree, he went on to Yale Medical School to obtain a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). He received schooling at the Mayo Clinic, where he earned a residency in osteopathic medicine, and a fellowship in urology at Stanford Health Care. He has professional affiliations with the American College of Osteopathic Physicians (ACOFP). Follow him on X and LinkedIn.
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